Arrive Alive
Emery Brown tries out the simulator as Aydan Hurst watches.
Sitting in the driver’s seat of an actual car, Hutchison girls had the opportunity to drive with a drunk, distracted, or drugged simulator on. “The gas was a lot more temperamental than it usually is and at one point I’m pretty sure I hit a U.S. army truck,” said Olivia McCarver.
Along with the simulator, the girls were able to learn about the company and statistics of distracted, drunk, and drugged driving. This company travels around the country to bring education in hopes that good decisions prevent collisions. “We educate not only highschoolers but colleges and community events on dangers with driving,” said Arrive Alive brand ambassador Aydan Hurst.
Part of the education involves shocking statistics like “texting and driving makes you 23% more likely to get into a car crash and for every drink you have you are 4 times more likely to get into a crash,” said Hurst. The state of Tennessee actually has the worst record of fatalities from texting and driving car crashes. “There are not enough laws against it,” said Hurst, “and even with the hands free, I’ve driven around and noticed that not as much of it is patrolled.”
Everything in the simulation is hooked up to a laptop by Bluetooth. The car is also on turning plates so the participants can turn the wheel. “It is actually a real car. We drove it here today,” said Hurst. The VR headset is set up to mimic what driving under the influence or distractions like.
“It was a lot harder than you would assume. I chose the drunk simulator because I feel like that is most well known for causing accidents,” said junior Loralei Forgette.
“I work this job because it is important to me to know I’m impacting the lives of youth nationwide,” finished Hurst.