Debate Discussion

In the world of debate, participants must rid their minds of their previously held beliefs. Therefore, professional debaters could essentially commence an argument over anything and everything. Interestingly, however, every single debater in the world agrees on only one single fact: the act of participating in speech and debate inevitably benefits one’s mind.

Speech and debate carry several stereotypes and standards such as stubbornness and hot-headedness. Do debaters stand by their argument until death? Yes, they do. But in all fairness, that is their job. However, the benefits of debate quickly refute these common misconceptions. Debate helps research and writing skills due to the rigorous preparation undergone before every competition in order to understand the topic. By developing arguments for both sides, students improve not only their understanding of the topic, but also their ability to create an analysis of the facts. Skilled debaters efficiently master the skill of perspective because of the demand to comprehend the logic behind both arguments. This skill reaches far beyond public forum tournaments. When applied correctly, this form of analysis can be utilized to construct better argumentative essays, win a fight against a sibling, or understand a friend’s point of view when drama occurs.

Debate opens countless opportunities to become a greater scholar, and it helps with cooperation and teamwork. By working alongside teammates, club members, and faculty, debaters develop a sense of professionalism and collaboration to ensure a successful debate.
Consequently, the competition’s history has resulted in quite a few setbacks for women. According to a National Forensic Journal, debate receives vastly less participation from women because of the sex-role stereotypes and discrimination that take place around the activity. Due to the competitiveness of debate, the perception of this art veers more toward “masculine” and “aggressive.” The problems, however, do not stop at participation. Women almost always possess a 4% lower chance of winning Lincoln-Douglas debates, and the gap increases with every round. However, if more women began to sign-up for competitions, if more women perceived debate as a chance for them to have a voice, and if more women would be able to say, “Excuse me, but it was my turn to ask a question,” then these discriminatory practices would lessen.
If you are at all interested, then please sign up for events, take the class, or just come talk to me! Although it may seem that speech and debate is dominated by debate events, tournaments always include room for acting, humorous interpretations, poetry, TV broadcasting, and so much more. There is almost a guarantee that you will find an event that is right for you. If any questions or comments arise, I am here for you. I call unto you, Hutchison girls, to join me and strive for victory in debate!