New Year, New Presidents

Make way for the vast changes coming to Hutchison’s artistic community from the newest arts council presidents, Camille Mattingly and Lillie Hollabaugh. “As president, I meet with Mrs. Ford often to discuss through events and how we can get other councils involved with the arts,” Camille explains. Lillie adds on with her position by saying, “I act as a liaison between the Arts Council and Thespian Society as well as manage the events we plan.” Both girls are very experienced in the traditional fine arts which include painting and theater, and they have used their passions to broaden their horizons in the more modern arts as well. Both presidents are excited to kick off the first year fully back on campus with a few adjustments and goals for the Arts Council.
Starting with the most obvious change, the name of the council itself is no longer “the Fine Arts Council”. According to Camille, “this year we want to incorporate more than the traditional “fine arts” such as film and graphic design.” The Hutchison artistic community is evolving, and the presidents have created a new goal to evolve with it by including all art forms and making every artist at the school feel seen and their work appreciated. Art is more than acting on a stage or putting a pen to paper. “We want to see what you create,” Camille commented as she encouraged all artists who are not included in the council to share with them their creations.
Both Lillie and Camille have also planned various art events to ensure that everyone has the chance to showcase their hard work. They have planned events for both middle and upper school that run through the entire year, such as the production of the Addams Family Musical in March or the Heart and Soul Talent Show in February. Both girls even have events planned outside of school such as a Teen Takeover show at the Dixon Gallery and Gardens Art Museum. However, as procedures continue to adjust due to COVID restrictions, Camille and Lillie have used this as a chance to mix both the traditional and modern arts.

The most important thing to these innovative ladies is for every artists, including those who do not take a formal art class at Hutchison, to no longer be overlooked. They have begun meeting with prospective artists around the school who have committed to other councils about what they expect to see this year from the council and ways for their art form to be included.
“We recently had a state of the arts meeting and being able to see like 30 artists all in different grades with different passions was very fun, and informative as we continue planning for the rest of the year,” says Camille. Getting advice from students who have experience in tons of different art forms has not only helped the duo plan more opportunities for the school, but it has also aided the advancement of their personal artistic endeavors. “Mrs. Ford and I have come up with an artistic mentorship program where each senior takes a junior under their wing to pass on their knowledge, and when they graduate, their juniors then take someone under their own wing,” Camille plans as she works through her senior year project for the certificate of arts.
Lillie has also worked on some exciting projects as she explored film and photography. She explains, “I recently dabbled in film production and directing, and over the summer I had the opportunity to direct a kids WKNO television program with other Hutchison students.” Over the course of this year, the presidents work to not only open up chances for all artists at Hutchison, but to also further their passions for art as they finish their last year at the school, and build connections between artists and their art forms.
Although the girls have big goals for this year, they have to keep a watchful eye on the news as the coronavirus can easily alter their plans; however, with the help of technology and sheer determination, they have created ways to work around the various obstacles. Many in person meetings have been restricted, but they have made use of online platforms such as Zoom and Google Meets to connect artists not only in the Hutchison community, but also all over Memphis. “Although we sometimes have to adjust our events to keep everyone safe, we have been able to use Zoom and the internet to connect with people we most likely wouldn’t have been able to meet before which has created learning opportunities for everyone,” comments Camille. Unfortunately COVID is still taking a toll on Hutchison and the rest of the world, but the artistic duo have prepared themselves for the changes and worked to make the various changes a part of the new unique school year.
Hutchison’s arts council works to be more inclusive and as an asset to every Hutchison artist. Even if you are not committed to the arts council or taking an arts class, the presidents encourage you to reach out to them in order to receive appreciation for your hard work. Even if you do not intend to appear in person to the various events they have planned, you can simply email them to be featured on the new Instagram page, @hutchisonarts, for all artists at Hutchison. “If you consider your art a simple hobby such as digital art or crocheting, we still view at it as something really cool, and we would love to see it,” says Camille. The 2021-2022 school year will be an exciting time for all artists at the school, so be sure to watch for updates from the enthusiastic presidents.