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The Student News Site of Hutchison School


The Student News Site of Hutchison School


The Student News Site of Hutchison School




February 12, 2020

Here are the top 3 things going on in the news right now.  Coronavirus: As many of you may be aware, the World Health Organization recently announced the sudden outbreak of a new disease called the...

Jesse Cresswell talks with the technology council about the interworkings of the IT department at Hutchison school.

Tech Talk

January 31, 2020

Technology week is when the technology council appreciates all the work that the Technology Department does for the students here at Hutchison school. The technology council is in charge of doing convocations,...

In November, Instagram changed the ability for users to see the number of likes received on a post.

Instagram Changing Likes

Ava Dickson ’22 December 11, 2019

Around a billion Instagram users all over the world may not necessarily be “liking” the new changes they are seeing on the popular social media platform’s latest update.  Before social media, you...

What's Good William

What’s Good William

Kennedy Bell ’23 December 11, 2019

William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is one of the oldest and well-known plays and to a student who is not aware of Shakespeare’s writing style, Romeo and Juliet can be difficult to understand. Amy...

Debate Discussion

Lulu Amro, Debate President November 18, 2019

In the world of debate, participants must rid their minds of their previously held beliefs. Therefore, professional debaters could essentially commence an argument over anything and everything. Interestingly,...

Dress Code Decode

Dress Code Decode

Abby Hays ’20, Editor-in-Chief November 13, 2019

Parker Uniform, a major uniform supplier for private schools around Memphis, closed unexpectedly on Thursday, January 4, 2018, leaving schools – including Hutchison – and parents to search for new...

The technology director, Jesse Cresswell, hard at work.

Hacking at Hutchison

Estelle Turner ’23, Staff Writer November 13, 2019

At Hutchison, one of the many topics students frequently discuss is the Wi-Fi. It is an everyday game for students to be huddled in groups with their phones, guessing the Wi-Fi password to share with fellow...

More Than a Dance

More Than a Dance

Lacy Williams ’23, Staff Writer November 13, 2019

“Dance lives in us; it gives us human connection”. Throughout the school day, students from Lower to Middle school can be seen running the halls, ballet shoes in hand, toward the dance studio in Dobbs....

Not Horsing Around

Not Horsing Around

Ava Dickson ’22, Editor November 12, 2019

For many, fall break means hitting the beach but for Hutchison sophomore Abigail Arnold, fall break meant hitting the horse show arena and bringing home national honors with her horse, Quinito. The two...

Cultivating Service as a Lifelong Passion 

Cultivating Service as a Lifelong Passion 

LaTonya Faulkner, Director of Hutch Serves November 6, 2019

For Isabella (Bella) Snow, class of 2020 at Hutchison School, service to the Memphis community doesn’t take a break. In fact, when she heard that a service project in a local elementary school had been...

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The Student News Site of Hutchison School