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What Motivates Mur

What Motivates Mur

Meriel (Mur) Rowland, is one of Hutchison’s best athletes, whether it’s on the track, the field, the trails, or the pool. She dedicates her time to training and practicing so she can do her best in every sport. Meriel will be attending the University of Alabama in the fall of 2024 with a scholarship in Track and Field. She will be running the two mile Steeplechase, a 2000 meter race with 18 hurdle jumps and 5 water jumps each with an approximate interval of 78 meters.

Meriel got recruited by six schools all for track; Alabama, Baylor, SMU, Tennessee, Lipscomb, and Mississippi State. As her final fall season came to an end, she had narrowed her options down to two colleges. She says, “I went to Alabama first and then Baylor. I went to Bama and I really liked it because the coach was a lot like my dad. Then, I went to Baylor, which was a good school, but it didn’t feel like me.” 

There were only about five spots for recruitment on the Alabama track team so Meriel knew she had to make a decision fast. She went to visit Alabama and fell in love almost immediately. Meriel has grown up a Tennessee fan so when she chose Alabama, it shocked everyone. She says, “It’s crazy how things can change overnight. My whole moms side of the family are Tennessee fans, but when I ended up going to visit Alabama, I really liked it.” Choosing between all of her options was a very hard decision, but when it comes down to it, Alabama was the right choice. Mur says, “Everyone told me to go where it feels like home, and Alabama is everything I wanted in a team.” 

Although running is very important to Mur, the most important thing to her is her relationship with the Lord. She uses her faith to encourage and push her to try her hardest in everything. She says, “There’s a verse that says, ‘and let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.’

In life there’s so many bumps and things that get in the way but the only thing that remains the same is my walk with the Lord.” 

Without her faith, Meriel would not be where she is today. Sticking to her beliefs, even if no one is watching, has helped her accomplish her goals. Mur says, “People always tell me it’s such a big deal for getting recruited, but at the end of the day it doesn’t matter as much as my faith in the Lord. I would rather be known for loving the Lord than running.” When she leaves Hutchison, she wants to be remembered for her faith, not just her speed. Meriel has inspired so many people in so many ways and the legacy she will leave behind will carry on for years to come.

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